Saturday, June 23, 2012

Just Do It My Man

Today, i got my sholat complete., except shubuh, cause last night i go to bed at 01.04 a.m.. it's a shame.. the headache occur at noon, it's make me have to stay at home from noon to 04.15 p.m taking a rest. It's a true that sholat make me fresh again and it make me realize that "sholat keep me stay in health" and "I NEED TO SHOLAT". Beside that "Koran help me to keep in balance".
Q.S Ibrahim., Q.S Yusuf, Q.S Al-Hadid and Q.S Yassin is a few literature that my grand mother always remind.. So., My first Confession is Sholat and 'sing' Koran..
This Afternoon i'm also go to the square to fulfill my hunger's stomach, on that place i meet a lot of my old fellow on basketball.. it's make me realize that i've to make schedule for my daily exercise on basketball arena and running track.. My second priority is health after my family.. JUST DO IT My Man., JUST DO IT.. Wake Up Early (04.00 a.m), Sholat., Read Koran, Play Basketball, and Run at the track. ( JUST DO IT ).

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